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Celebrating Over One Hundred Years of Mission and Ministry

"Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, in its centennial year 2003, embodied the vision and commitment that guided the congregation through the previous one hundred years.  In contrast to the twenty-eight Lutherans who organized a mission in Lynchburg in early 1903, the congregation in 2003 was composed of more than one thousand baptized members.  It reached out to the community, the Lutheran Church at large, and the world, sharing the many gifts with which it had been blessed."


An excerpt from the Introduction of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

















































Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 1954

The small brick structure near the intersection of Victoria and Rivermont avenues, which served as the first permanent home for Lynchburg's Lutheran community, was often called "the chapel" in early church records.  The slender stained glass windows, four down each side and two flanking either side of the double doors, were surely a treasure.


Dedication services of the new Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church were held June 16, 1907.  The membership grew to fifty-eight that year.


An original pew from the Victoria Avenue building was refinished and is now installed in the nave at 1000 Langhorne Road.


After again worshiping in various rental spaces, Holy Trinity moved into a new church home on Fitzhugh Place/Rivermont Avenue in June 1922.  The congregation experienced the ups and downs that came with the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, and several changes in pastoral leadership. By the late 1940s, the congregation stabilized and began to grow. It was during this period of time that conversations began about purchasing property and building a new church because of the need for more space.

Holy Trinity moved into its new facilities at 1000 Langhorne Road in July 1954 and became known in Lynchburg as the "church with the red door," a symbol of the fire of Pentecost and blood of the early church martyrs.


Today, now into its second century, the congregation strives to be liturgically vibrant, theologically relevant, spiritually enriching, and socially aware. Positive vision and dedicated commitment carry the congregation on its continued journey of faith, as the people of Holy Trinity strive to live out their mission "to care actively in the name of Jesus Christ."

A complete history of Holy Trinity is available for purchase in the church office.

1018 Rivermont Avenue (1922–1954)

420 Victoria Avenue (1907–1920)

1000 Langhorne Road (1954–   )

The first worship service was held October 12, 1902, at the Old YMCA, with twenty-seven people present. The congregation was officially organized in January 1903, meeting for worship at the YMCA and St. Paul's Chapel until the congregation's first building was constructed in 1906-1907.

Holy Trinity is a congregation of the Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


Luther Church, Holzminden, Germany; Bethel Church, Kimbe, Papua New Guinea; and, Bedford Lutheran Church, Bedford, Virginia

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