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You may set up an online donation, either recurring or one-time, through the online portal above.

If you are making a Memorial gift, you may indicate the designation of the gift and provide contact information

via email to or by calling the church office at (434)-384-8441.



ALL that we have
— our selves, our time, and our possessions —
are signs of God’s gracious love entrusted to our care.


We invite you to support the ministry of Holy Trinity, where people are encouraged to:


  • experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God through real and tangible ways in the sacraments, proclamation of the scriptures, liturgy, music, and Christian community;


  • serve the poor and hungry and vulnerable and care for those who are ill, elderly, or in need;


  • advance the work of God’s kingdom through our partnership with the Virginia Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;  


  • experience that the abundance of God knows no limits; and


  • experience unconditional welcome and grace – because if God so loved the world in Jesus Christ, then how can we do any less.

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